Friday, September 26, 2008

Couple of mid week runs

Went out Wednesday for an unknown amount of distance. It was somewhere between 3 and 4 miles, but my Garmin wouldn't hook up with the satellites for a little over a half a mile. I even set it up to pick up a signal before I started running, but to no avail. I was perturbed. It was a completely clear evening.

It was a nice run, apart from that. It was dusk when I left, so I dug out my reflective vest and threw that on. No sense getting run over.. By the end of the run, it was certainly needed. At night, I try to stay where there are streetlights and sidewalks. It doesn't always happen, but it's a goal. 90% of my night running has at least street lights.

I'm debating joining the gym for the winter months. I wasn't too fond of running in the cold and dark last winter. My wife certainly wasn't fond of it either. I remember the first 'night' run I had, right after the daylight savings time switch. She was walking in the door as I was getting ready to leave. She said "Where are you going?" 'Running' "It's dark!" 'yeah. I have my vest on.'

The dark doesn't really bother me. I just don't like putting on layer after layer to stay warm. The gloves and the hat and the jacket. Blah.

We'll see.

And, I went yesterday for a whopping 4.25. I managed to maintain a 8:59 pace overall as well. I think my legs are finally getting back into shape. My calves felt tired, but not painful as they did last week.

Tonight is an off night so I can go play dice baseball. I should be running again on Saturday, though.

Keep on rockin'!

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