Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Punkin head

Boy, I love the fall beers. Mmm mmm good.

Today's (last night's) selection was Dogfish Head's Punkin Ale.

Dogfish Head makes some very interesting and tasty beers. At the beer festivals, I try to make sure I hit their tent at least once.

The Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA is one of my all time favorites.. Off the top of my head, I've also had the Festina Peche and Pangaea. Pangaea is interesting in that it has at least one ingredient from each continent. But, that's not what this is about...

Back to the Punkin Ale. This is a brown ale with some added ingredients. Pouring it into a glass yields only a small head. The carbonation isn't strong either. The smell has all of the smells you might associate with pumpkin pie and fall. Cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin.. The essences of all of those can be detected.

It tastes very smooth.. much like a brown ale, but seasoned quite wonderfully. It's sweeter up front, and the pumpkin comes out a bit later.

It's a bit pricey.. a 4 pack will run you $10-$11. However, it's a good introduction to pumpkin ales. I have a couple others which I'll be going over soon.

As a bonus, this is a new bottle opener my wife got me. The pic is a bit dark & grainy, but it's a skeleton arm.. perfect for fall & Halloween!

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